Autoimmune Diet
Has anyone tried a autoimmune diet, no gluten, no nuts, no grains, no diary, no eggs, no lentils and no night shade vegetables?
Yeppers and I am 80% better than I was. I eat mostly raw foods (vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds). My body doesn't digest meat very well so I gave that up. The AIP diet helped me identify what I was allergic to like processed sugars, vegetable oils, etc... I also did the ALCAT food allergy test which helped me find allergies that are slow delayed like garlic, beef, potatoes.
Some people reverse their diseases 100% with this diet! I believe it all stems in the gut! I do intermittent fasting at times and feel disease free when I am not eating. Unfortunately, I need to eat to live so I switch things up and try to eat lightly on some days. I am still perfecting my diet as I think I am allergic to lectins too. Anyways, i hope you try it!
I did an elimination diet. I have cut out dairy and gluten. Had a legume allergy my whole life so that is out. Use very little processed foods. Try to make stuff myself from scratch. Makes a difference.
I follow dr esselstyns plant based eating plan . He’s s cardiologist at the Cleveland clinic which is top
In cardiology . I have no heart problems , but his is for total health . His book is How to prevent and reverse Heart Disease . Find him on YouTube . Jos wife has a beautiful
Cookbook . His son has the healthy food line , Engine 2, at Whole Foods and amazon . He even has hummus without oil since oil is unhealthy at between 13-17% saturated fat . He has crackers etc . So no oil , dairy, meat, fowl , fish , butter or margarine and as little sugar as possible . Brown rice instead of white , while grain bread . He writes of amazing results with his patients .
The family is rated top in nutrition with Drs. MCDougal
And Ornish ( the one who saved Clinton ) following .
Thank you for sharing your experience, I started today, will keep you posted how it goes.
Sweets Cravings
Good Morning Everyone! I Have A Question For Those Willing To Share. Diet Question.