Having Difficulty With My Throat
Having difficulty with my throat start having chest infection then, waking up with my throat been blocked with mucus. It been over a year now and seen a specialist one good thing he said 90 %. Sure it not cancer, I have to stop drink acidic drinks fruit ,tea, coffee and nothing spice for six weeks. It been just to weeks but feel know different. Any idea what my be.
I have so much mucous its disgusting. Ive had infection on and off for over 3 mo. Took 3 antibiotics and 2 steroid paks to get over and i still have the mucous. Im allergic to alot too tho. I need to see specialist but been putting off cuz of money and dont want all the shots they always want to give. Been there done that
Hi there! I agree with either allergies or GERD as I experience the same thing. Sore throat every day and tons of mucus. It’s worse in the morning and at night.
fibro also has chronic sinus problems with congestion. Look it up. It is not harmful.
could be GERD because I have alot of mucus with mine. The diet he suggested makes sense for Gerd as well.
Could be post nasal drip or extra mucus is being produced to delute stomach acid, some calls it water bash I believe. You can google it. Both conditions can be caused by too much acid production. Stomach acid can wash all the way up to nose to irritate it can also cause cough.
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Has Anyone Tried Hypnosis, Massage Therapy And/or Acupuncture. If So, What Was It Like And What Benefits Did You Get From It?
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