Fibromyalgia: Coping With Sensory Overload
This is me with sounds and smells!!!!
Does anyone else have this?
I have many stressors but my worst is sound, loud sound. We already live in a realm of the unbelieved and people think I am just being rude when I put my fingers in my ears when their beautiful child cries (hey, I'm crying with that baby!) or I have to put my ear plugs in everywhere I go, my daughter hates that because she thinks I'm being mean not listening to her--sometimes yes that us hard when she goes on and on--but I've been diagnosed with Hyperacusis. When I'm really stressed, I think the side effects to my Cymbalta, which are hallucinations, start with music that must be coming from another apartment (for a time it was 1940s like we listened to when I worked in a nursing home-stressful), or someone who must be talking too loud somewhere. sucks, so I put the definition.
Hyperacusis (or hyperacousis) is a highly debilitating hearing disorder characterized by an increased sensitivity to certain frequencies and volume ranges of sound (a collapsed tolerance to usual environmental sound). A person with severe hyperacusis has difficulty tolerating everyday sounds, which become painful or loud.
This can be followed by a desperate need to sleep or cry or both. How do I get a job with that? I'm hearing a lot of resentment from even friends who think I'm just so sensitive, lately.
Good article, thank you!
My husband is very loud also. I have to ask him to please talk a little lower. Sounds like he is yelling and I’m right next to him. I also jump if I hear the door crack or creak. So jumpy and food smells aren’t bad but cleaners or potpourri .🗣👂🏼 Or if I smell a bus or diesel smell it will set off a major headache. I feel crazy sometimes. Just love the quiet when possible. Bright lights also. Bad news. Sorry you feel bad but it makes feel less crazy to see others have the same. Had this so many years without realizing so many others are suffering. ❤️🌹
Thank you, #Missa
Check out the Dynamic Neural Retraining system. Annie Hopper is the founder.
Yes, Loud noises and strong smells bother me alot.
Coping With Sensory Overload
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