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Does Anybody Else Here Have Lesions On Their Brain?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Niagara Falls, ON

In the beginning of my pain journey, it was suspected that I might have MS. An MRI was ordered and multiple lesions were found on my brain. They then repeated the MRI in 6 months and it showed no change and therefore said it was not MS. Now I have been told it’s Fibromyalgia, but according my my research, lesions are not present with Fibro. Just wondering if anybody else might have lesions as well and if you know if they are part of Fibro?

September 14, 2019
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A MyFibroTeam Member

I too have lesions on my brain and they did think it was MS. I've been through so many different test and they have concluded that it's Fibro. The lesions on my brain are caused from severe migraines. The doctor's are working on getting my migraines under control.

September 15, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

The only correlation between Fibro and lesions is if you suffer from severe migraines. A lot of people with Fibro do. Just remember the Lesions don't cause the Migraine, the Migraine causes the lesions. I see a rheumatologist for my fibromyalgia and a headache specialist for the migraine.

Craig-O I'm really sorry about the early signs of Parkinson's. It's a horrible disease. My father has it and many other family members have suffered from it.

September 19, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

My GP told me I probably had Fibro last year after discussing my symptoms, but I was sent for an MRI at the beginning of the year because I was also smelling things that aren't there (cigarette smoke). They discovered a lesion on my brain and told me it was indicative of a silent stroke. Now I've been to see a neurologist and had a datscan and further MRI on brain and spine and still waiting results. Like you, I am worried it is something more than just Fibromyalgia. I am now sure I have early onset parkinsons. There are so many things it could be and google is not your friend, trust me. Was it explained to you why you had multiple lesions on your brain? If not I'd ask for a proper answer and if you're still not satisfied, ask for a 2nd opinion. All the best!

September 15, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

Did they say if the lesions cause any of your problems?

September 15, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

Before all this i had optic neuritis and lost my sight in my right eye for several days and had to get IV steroids

September 17, 2019

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