Fun Question - What Types Of Novels Do You Like To Read?
What type of Novels does everyone like to read? Does it differ from when you are in pain and not in pain? Do you even like reading when you are in pain? Or can you even read when you are in pain? I know that I love fantasy and drama novels and when I am in pain it is hard for me to hold my book or Kindle. Just a fun question. Thanks!
Also hard for me to hold books for long. My eyes get tired now, so short reads.
I'm more of a mystery person. Stephen King as well. But since I got this fibro I haven't been able to read a book used to read one of week at least and very fast. I can barely get through the first hundred pages this is the next thing on my list to conquer I miss reading books.🤪🤗
Hey Jody read Hedy lamarr story ecstasy and me. Really interesting kind of hot book.❤️💙💜💚🤗
I love to read! It's an escape from pain and a good stress reliever for me. Mysteries/detective fiction and historical fiction are my favorites. My hands and arms hurt too much to hold anything but my Kindle now, so I'm thankful for it. I just finished London by Edward Rutherfurd. It was so good!
I love biography...usually actors and interesting people from the golden age of films the 1940s thru the late 1970s
Does Anyone Have Problems Regulating Their Core Body Temperature?
Fun Question Time For 1st Day Of 2020