When You Are Having A Flare And Hurt All Over, Is There A Specific Area That Tends To Hurt More? If So, Where Is It For You?
It seems like whenever i am having a flare, the front of my thighs feel like I imagine they would if they have been put thru a meat grinder. It is always the same place, and the same feeling.
@A MyFibroTeam Member from what I understand, it is very highly recommended to do Lyrica and Cymbalta together because they work together and play off of each other to get more good from each of them than either one would get alone. I understand the weight gain issue, but I have to do it anyway. I was originally started on nueronton for a herniated disc in my back, but couldn't get a high enough dose for it to do any good as a pain reliever and still stay concious, so I was transfered over to lyrica.
Thank you all for the input. It is nice not to feel alone in this. My shoulders and back hurt, but my thighs are the worst. I also get even more sensative to smells, especially anything spicy!
My legs get the worst !!
I just had my first flare. My pain is in my shoulders and back. On some parts of my body I am very sensitive to touch. I am taking Tumeric, robexen, and gabapentin. Those work for me.
KatWatkins im dealing with all of that now. Its on both sides and miserable. I pray nobody ever feels like this...
Tender Spots Disappear???
Fibro Flare