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A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Tucson, AZ

Has anyone gotten worse during pregnancy? I'm only 9 weeks in this second one but with my daughter I don't remember so much pain. At the time I wasn't diagnosed so I'm not sure if me being more aware made a difference, but this time around my hips and lower back hurt so bad. This area is always a major pain spot for me, but this time my outer hips will burn down into my knees.

January 4, 2020
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A MyFibroTeam Member

My pain completely went away during my five pregnancy’s . Returned with a vengeance once I stopped breast feeding each time , pregnancy was my best time . Now in menopause and in constant flare ups .

January 6, 2020
A MyFibroTeam Member

Yes I recently had a second baby and I was definitely worse this time around, particularly my hips. Lots of people have told me that the second pregnancy is worse anyway. I felt general aches and Braxton Hicks Were alot stronger. I just made sure I got rest when I could and lots of Epson salt baths. I found something called two old goats lotion which helped when my hips got particularly achey. Also I found a water aerobics class for pregnancy, which made a massive difference.
The good news is labor was alot easier second time (at least it was for me).
Remember to be kind to yourself; you're doing an amazing thing, you're creating life inside your body! Xxx

January 5, 2020
A MyFibroTeam Member

I’m speaking for my daughter-in-law, During her pregnancy she was in so much pain And had to stop her medications. she doesn’t want to have anymore children.

January 5, 2020
A MyFibroTeam Member

Don't have children but I know my hormones can make me feel much worse. Just read an article that said in 1 study 80% of woman with fibromyalgia had more pain while pregnant. Hope that makes you feel better. I always feel better knowing it's "normal" to feel this way.

January 4, 2020
A MyFibroTeam Member

Sending You Healing Prayer ✝️🙏✝️🙏✝️🙏✝️

January 4, 2020

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