How Do You Help Your Memory ?
I have quiz's every week, maybe like 2 a week at the most. Some are open book and that's good cause I can do good on them. But I am worried, I have some midterm and final exams coming up in the next couple months.. if I can't remember things for a simple quiz how am I going to remember anything for an exam?!
Don't know your major, but really try to understand the material, not just know it for a test. Remember that most tests are fill in blank, or pick from a, b, or, c. Recognition helps some. Calm down if you're panicked. Make sure you have eaten. Don't go in hungry. Take in a snack if you can. Skip to what you do know, and come back to harder ?, sometimes that helps. Lastly talk yourself through it. Describe in your own words the answer. That helps me click my brain for the answer.
I had to go on adderall . I just could not remember anything.
Thank you so much! You've all been so helpful. I will be studying a little harder and try to have a deeper understanding. Sometimes I do think I got of, but I get into the test and my mind just goes blank
That somewhat helped me in the past, but unfortunately, writing is really tough for me to do, even for short periods at a time... Sometimes holding a pen and having enough grip on it is so hard and caused a lot of pain. I have been typing all my assignments out but sadly that's not working much to remember things. But thank you ! 🤗
Maybe try this.... 🤗🤗
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