How Do You Handle The Mental Strain Of Working Full Time And Raising Kids While In Pain Daily?
Nikki 0307, You don't! Ask for help and do any shortcuts that make life easier. I had to go on permanent disability when I was 50. If you over do, your body will shut down. I hope that your husband or partner does at least 50% of the house work. Ask your in laws and parents to give you a break now and then. You might need to go part time. Listen to your body and learn to say no. Good luck
Nikki, that's a smart move. Go parttime sooner than later. Maybe you could do phone calls for your volunteer work. I find that after 2:00 I'm going downhill from there. It's balance for sure. Your kids should be doing all of their laundry, cleaning their bathroom and bedroom. They need to step it up. Good luck.
Thank you Jill. I do have help at home but my job is demanding and long hours. My kids are still in school but older so they can physically take care of themselves but raising teenagers is challenging even in good health lol. I am considering asking to reduce my hours soon. I think i need to give up some of my volunteer responsibilities too which i hate but i am not doing myself any good. Again, thank you for your input.
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