Does Anyone Have Trouble With Incontinence And Lower Muscles Weak To Have A Bowel Movements
Your body and mine must read from the same script. 😂. Occasional urinary incontinence is becoming increasingly an issue for me. Since I’ve never had children and have done pelvic floor exercises for years it seems weird to me but my doctor has ruled out other things and concluded that it is fibro related. As for weakened muscles are too weak to produce a BM early in the day but usual somewhat better later on. My “window of opportunity” seems to be late afternoon until bedtime. You aren’t alone in this!
No incontenece issues but weak muscles making BMs difficult. I also have IBS with constipation. No children
This is a good question
We are not alone ladies
Same issue here. I started using these pads recently when going out more than 1-2 me a better feeling.
Yes many people including myself have trouble with IBS it can be a symptom of Fibromyalgia, also incontinence I use small incontinence pads that helps a lot in case of accidents.
Many Women who have had Children also have this kind of trouble and you need to do pelvic floor exercises, I would consult your Doctor just to make sure it isn't anything else other than with Fibromyalgia. Because Fibromyalgia pain and symptoms can cover-up other illnesses.
So very glad you asked that Question ,I thought I was dying this weekend as I suffer with severe Constipation .My stomach muscles are refusing to work ,and the dizziness and sweating is out of control .I was told to drink water water water water and more water too help the movement of the bowels .
Hi All As Anybody Had A Daith Piercing To Help With Fibromyalgia???
Does Anyone Have Issue With Their Stomach?
EMBARASING QUESTION: Does Anyone Have Unexplained Bladder Problems And Is It Related To Fibro?