Anyone Else Have Or Had Pituitary Problems??
i posted this on my wall but has anyone else had pituitary gland issues? i have and i stumbled upon this website that possibly links thyroid problems with it. it wouldn't surprise me as the pituitary is primarily responsible for the thyroids actions
here is the website for talking about fibro being a CSS problem
here is the one on their website about the thyroid connection number can… read more
Thanks for posting these articles. Very informative..I don’t know if I have pituitary problems. I am hypothroid, I had a severe case of mononucleosis in high school, I also have clinical depression and have been on antidepressant meds for most of my life. Of course, I also have Fibro...
Headaches Caused By Pituitary Tumors And Any Info On Dealing With The Tumor Itself
Does Anyone Have A Sensitivity To Heat?This Has Been My WORSE Summer, I Sweat So Bad,I’m So Embarrassed! Suggestions?Thanks.
Eye Problems With Fibromyalgia