Bottom Of Feet Feel Like Burning
Does anyone deal w/ bottom of their feet feel like they're burning?
Ask for a referral to a neurologist for upper and lower nerve tracings! That is how I found out a major part of my pain is caused by a narrowing spinal canal. My spine is literally closing in on my spinal cord
Yes ! My feet and hands ! It’s so uncomfortable.
Yes, burning, and what feels like bee stings, not all the time but often enough.
yes i have small fiber neuropathy and s c i and if my sugars go high it burns even more i use ladicain cream for my feet and legs and im trying to keep my sugars down but with this liver issue it is tough im making dinner homemade beef stew be back got to stir it as soon as the carrots are done it is done BRB
Mine will burn and my feet and ankles hurts also. I have to pull my socks off when my feet starts burning.
Burning On The Bottom Of Feet
My Arms Feel Like They Arms, Feet Bottoms Are Burning Even Though Iam Resting.. Are You Having The Same?
Does Anyone Have Problems With Their Skin Burning? My Face Is On Fire, Especially Around My Eyes And Mouth. It Feels Like I Am Sunburned!