Pain In Heels
My heels hurt me so bad especially at night. I've tried rubbing creams on them and wearing certain type of heel covers. Im so confused on what may be causing this because I try not to stand or walk for to long. Anyone else have this issue? Any useful tips will be appreciated.
Sounds like plantar fascitis. My doc recommended rolling a frozen waterbottle under each foot when im sitting in a chair at home like twice a day. Massage your foot all the way from the toes, through the underside of the foot, and all the way up the calf muscle. Soak your feet in hot water with epsum salts. Getting plantar fascia shoe inserts help. Good posture helps. Going to a chiropractor to get your hips and back adjusted can help posture. If you have problems with your knees wearing knee braces during active times can also help posture. Stretching the arch of the foot while massaging your feet can help and gently stretch the akilies tendon and ankle flexors while you are at it.
I work for a podiatrist. I agree with arriel but you can also use a water bottle put it in the freezer and let it freeze and you can roll it on the bottom of the foot.
I had this problem at the beginning of menopause,, you look quite young however so i dont think its hormonal for you (unless it comes at certain times of the month ,, you might put it on a calendar and see if there is a pattern when this is the worst for you ) I found getting a really good padded shoes (like crocs) to wear around the house and not do my housework barefoot on hard flooring made a big difference,, also look up stretching for your achilles tendons I hope that helps
I have plantar fascists also. Hurts really bad!
I have plantar fascitis and my heels hurt like crazy. I have inserts in my shoes that help some. Have you asked your doc about it? Hope your pain eases.
Electrical Shocks
Any One Else’s Heels Bother Them Badly I Can’t Be On Them They Even Hurt Just Laying Here