Medical Marijuana
Anyone knows what is the initial dose of medical marihuana for nerve pain and insomnia?
Milka,start really slowly if you have never tried it before. Usually 5_10 mgs. Eitables take longer to work, so never say, they're not working and take more. LEARNED THE HARD WAY. I have the cream, I eat Eitables and also smoke if the pain is really bad.
Hi, thank you for the info. I have tried thc oil, it helps me sleep, but not helping so much with pain.
I take cbd oil during the day and edibles at night just purchased a vaporizer to smoke weed
Use code oil
I have 30mg/ml CBD oil and I take 1 ml / day. On bad pain days I have a blend of THC and CBD for me it's a game changer. Taking the CBD religiously is key. You don't notice the improvements for a couple of weeks. Then you realize that your symptoms aren't as bad or last as long. My doctor recommended starting low and going slow to see how your body tolerates it.
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