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Fibro And Loved Ones

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Hayden, ID

Hi fibro team family! I want to ask a vital question. As people with fibromyalgia, how do we explain the symptoms if we're having a flare to our loved ones? For some loved ones, it's hard for them to accept my fate with this condition. I want them to believe me without them seeing me as being defeated or a hypochondriac. Any suggestions would be great 👍 ciao for now

September 6, 2021
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A MyFibroTeam Member

@A MyFibroTeam Member
Give them the facts. Fibromyalgia is now classified as an official disease. Give them the list of symptoms and how it affects us. Ask them how they would like it if they had to go through all of those symptoms. I am talking about not only pain, but memory loss, concentration problems, urination problems, lack of energy, and being exhausted all the time, never being able to sleep, joints in the jaw, head sores, TMJ, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraines, painful bladder syndrome, restless leg syndrome(nerve pain), sleep apnea, Fibro Fog, For people who are on the outside looking in, this can make people who have fibromyalgia appear disconnected from the rest of the world. They may seem to be less engaged than others, or they may not seem to care about a task as much as other individuals who are involved. The truth is, they may care just as much, if not more. In reality, it may be a disease-causing problem. This is one of the battles that so many people who have fibromyalgia have come up against. They don't necessarily appear sick.

Therefore, a lot of people have problems believing that they really are suffering as much as they claim to be suffering. They're often accused of simply being lazy or not caring as much as they should. The cold, hard truth is that they may be pushing themselves beyond their limits to do their very best, and they are just misunderstood. Constantly pushing themselves may only serve to make the symptoms of the disease worse over time. It is official, it is proven that this is a disease and not just in our heads. Living with this disease is a challenge every single day and night. I make the best of it and I am blessed that people at my church know that I am not faking any of this. They like my positive attitude because I am honest with them about what I go through and how I feel. They admire my courage, but they do not ever think that I am making it up because they know that I am not. Any person out there that does not support a family member or a friend going through this has no heart, or love for the sufferer. They only care about themselves, or what others can do for them. They are the ones that are useless when it comes to giving support for an awful disease that cannot be changed. I pray for those that do not understand this disease to try and seek and learn more about it and then to really think about how they would feel if it were the other way around.

September 6, 2021
A MyFibroTeam Member

SharonCW, I listen to the fibromyalgia podcast through Spotify. Type in fibromyalgia podcasts in the search engine and you will find many useful things that talk about chronic conditions. I hope it helps ☺️

September 8, 2021
A MyFibroTeam Member

Wearing a mask or pretending One is okay isn’t good for oneself. It causes undue stress and subsequently, will cause pain, more fatigue and the rest of the many symptoms. I think it is better that you confront family, as nice as possible, then drop it. Some won’t ever get it and you will know who they are. These people need to be weeded from your life.
I am glad you are seeing a new PCP. You need to remember you have power when you see him/her. You’ve educated yourself. Go in with the attitude they are going to help you. Go with a list of things you want from this visit. Don’t let them intimidate you. You are intelligent and know what you want. You’ve been turning it over in your head for days, if not, weeks.
Gentle hugs and love.

September 6, 2021
A MyFibroTeam Member

Oh wow Hun. He got a taste of his own medicine. I don't think "healthy" people will last more than five minutes in our shoes. Never take your good health for granted.

September 10, 2021
A MyFibroTeam Member

I have the same issue. People look at me and think I look healthy; therefore, they do not understand the pain I am going through. Usually when someone I know gets sick I tell them what they are experiencing at that moment is my life. In January my husband starting getting simular symptoms and was diagnosed with RA which is an arthritis that attacks the joints. I told him "Suck it up buttercup, this has been my life for the past 5 years!" 😉

September 10, 2021

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