Twitching, Along With The Muscle And Joint Pain Do Many Of You Suffer Twitching Muscles And Muscle Spasms?
Yes I have muscle spasms I take muscle relax that what helps me
Yes, they occur in random places.
One time the arms, next time the legs, etc.
This has happened for many years. Most of the time, if I'm overtired or very stressed.
Hope your day is painless and peaceful. 🙏
Muscle spasms are unbearable at times...I actually shout out uncontrollably. It's just awful. It usually when I'm least expecting too so at times quite embarrassing...hope you get a painless spasmless day today. 🤗🤗
Get them most days…..calves are the worst for me 😩
Yes i suffer with muscle spasms i use a heat pad on them
How Do You Describe It
Muscle Spasms
Muscle Spasms