Has Anyone Else Noticed That Flying Increases Fibro Pain?
For the first time since the pandemic began I had four flights recently. I noticed that change in cabin pressure, especially during take off and landing, made me feel as if my bones were throbbing. I get this sensation during high pressure with weather, but I have never had it so immediately and intensely to just stop when the cabin pressure changed again.
I have flown a lot over the years and I can't say that it ever caused more pain. I may be a little stiff, but, nothing that stopped me in my tracks.
Ooops! Answered twice! You can see where my memory has gone!
Barometric pressure is a killer for me too. Flying never bothered me.
Barometric pressure changes, especially low barometric pressure is a killer for me, so much pain and exhaustion. I have not flown for years now, but when I did I always noticed and increase in pain for up to 2days after. I always thought it due to the pressure inside the airplane, and I don't know how to avoid that.
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