Since I Became Ill With Fibro, I Have Been Waking Myself Up Biting My Tongue! Sometimes So Bad That Its Bleeding. Anyone Else Have This???
I have had this problem due to jaw clenching and tnj my dentist mafe me a night guard which has helped x
Tmj is the temporal mandibular joint, the joint that attaches your jaw to your skull. TMJ is used to express the misalignment of, and problems with this joint. I had the same issue, biting my tongue so hard I’d wake myself up, tears in my eyes it hurt so much!
A good dentist would be able to help you with a good night guard that will help with the biting but you may still clench your jaw at other times. Good luck!
TMJ is part of the fibro five. I started biting my tongue and the inside of my cheeks about five years ago. Also, I started clinching my jaw & my teeth. It even come out of alignment one night. It scared me to death, but thank God, I got it back in alignment by myself. Recently, I was diagnosed with having sleep apnea, so now I wear a night guard that helps so much but I'm still having pain in both of my jaws but I'm much better than before. I believe that I have TMJ, but there is no local oral surgeon in this area. I'm not sure what to do. Do you have it?
Yes I bit my tongue and inside my cheek. I figured it was a fibro thing.
I don’t bite my tongue at night but often bite the inside of my cheek. I already have a night guard for clenching, and it stops me from biting if I am wearing it. Never considered that the biting might be fibro or TMJ related, but I didn’t do it so often when I was younger.
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