Sauna Blanket
Has anyone used an infrared sauna blanket?
I recently purchased one and have used it twice. I believe it is helping with the pain and anxiety of Fibro. It does make me feel somewhat lightheaded for a few hours after use.
I am using the blanket 2-3 times per week now. I have made sure to replace my electrolytes after using (Thanks John). I am feeling so much better. I hope this might works for others.♥️
Not heard of this will need to look It out. My guess is the functions/bodily processes and systems that its kickin up a notch may be using up some stored minerals and Vits, maybe also leaving u dehydrated, might want some vits or electrolytes in water before and after. Id need to research further to offer more advice tho
Thank you for your help! It definitely is helping.
Have not heard of infared heat pad or blanket.. I will have to check that out. Thank you for posting
I use the infrared heat pad, helps with pain and sleep
Do Infrared Sauna Blankets Help Fibro Pain
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Infrared Sauna