Fibromyalgia Related To Autism/ADHD
I'm just wondering if anyone on here has Fibromyalgia and has kids or is on the spectrum themselves? I'm reading this to be more familiar. I have 3 kids on the spectrum and I'm on the list to get seen to get a diagnosis too. Is there a link??
People with fibromyalgia tend to get sensory overload much more frequently than those without it (I know that's definitely the case for my twin brother and I). "The fibromyalgia group reported significantly more sensitivity compared to the control group (p = 0.030). The fibromyalgia group reported significantly greater hypersensitivity (p = 0.038), but not more hyposensitivity (p = 0.723) compared to controls. The average fibromyalgia SPQ score (92.64 ± 23.33) was similar to that previously reported for adults with autism (92.95 ± 26.61)."
Another study looked at nutrients, "One study shows that a nutrient called L-carnitine, which helps treat CFS and fibromyalgia, can also help treat autism in children."
I'd like to know where the connection is! who do we ask?.
All of the above here, well.. ASD and ADHD and daughter with similar issues.
May just be we people affected are easily stressed which increases symptoms and more noticiable, as far as im aware no connection has been made. Perhaps just laws of average. More and more additional needs specialist diagnose with both ASD and ADHD in recent years.
Awareness may well be the cause. Or perhaps some kids actually have OCD, and ADHD. which used to be more Common a diagnosis, and imo shows very similar behavioral traits, potentially combined further with ODD...again very common with ADHD.. Its Commonly accepted that ASD, Bipolar and ADHD are same Spectrum, with most sufferers crossing through all at 3 at times.
Some Stuff we wont ever get I guess. But fibromyalgia sufferers are easily triggered by stress and anxiety, which such conditions would amplify.
Son w add (no h) / Asperger's. Not diagnosed by dr only by high schhol teachet
Treatment Options
Fibromyalgia And Autism
Does Anyone Get Tremors As A Symptom Of Your Fibromyalgia? Thank You.