I May Have Shingles Now. I’ve Had Fibro For 31 Years. Is Shingles More Common Among The Fibro Community?
I got my “Shingrex shot” as my Dad had it bad, Any sort of trauma mental, physical, spiritual, accident, viral infection, divorce can cause Fibromyalgia.
I’m definitely happy about it. I can still have my shoulder op. I need to figure out what I am allergic to so another episode of hives doesn’t happen.
Today, I think even more that it’s not shongles. The first batch of itchy red spots in the 4 inch wide patch is fading without it ever blistering or crusting. I’m going to keep praying the rash is an allergic reaction.
I had both shingles vaccines. Yes definitely keep eye cuz it will spread fast and is extremely painful. My husband had 3 yrs ago and hes not a complainer but he was then
Thank you for the info, @A MyFibroTeam Member.
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