Is There Anyone Else That Is Suffering Badly With Hand Tremor's And Sudden Body Jerks
Yes, I get this! More so when I'm tired or having a flare up. And as a tattoo artist is really stresses me out and sometimes I have to reschedule my jobs because I can't physically tattoo.
Do you know what causes them?
Once in a while. My doctor added the tremors in my fingers to my list and said we’d keep an eye on it. That occurs sometimes when I’m typing on the computer and this symptom stated about three years ago. Have not told them about the sudden body jerks. Those started this summer. and I don’t know what’s triggering them.
I get whole body jerks and tremors, mostly when I’m tired
My tremors come and go, a cold chill, a wrong movement a graze or stretching can set my full body tremors. I can go a few days with our a tremor my tremors can get worse with over doing things. I get full body or just in my hands. Pain is what it is, I was told to redirect my focus and at times if it's a small tremor it may work big tremors yep not happening.
Involuntary Jerking Of Hands.
Finger And Hand Dexterity And Twitching/tremors
Anyone Have Hand AND Arm Tremors?