Tramadol works synergistically with Gabapentin to help alleviate pain. I take a small amount when I take gabapentin to alleviate the pain. I have decreased my ant. .over time, not increased it. Ask your doctor, who is medically astute and experienced about this. It may help. It may not. I wonder why they frighten us, by not allowing us to possibly get some more help.
@A MyFibroTeam Member for me I have cirrhosis of liver so I had to take so much to get good response. That was in 2010 so they put me on ms extended release with diluadid for break through. They figured it was better for my situation at the time. On 10/27/23 they gave me Bupenorphine; is like tramadol it’s an antagonist and it’s also used for withdrawal from opiates. I don’t have the nasty cotton mouth from it either. I believe this will not be my final med I’m sure she wants me to try Cymbalra. Right now everything is functioning good so I will give it a try. I’m waiting for a new liver specialist so right now my internal doc is monitoring everything. I’m at risk for liver cancer so it’s very hard when physicians pass away or retire. That’s what happened in my situation so I have to be my best advocate as I can. They were my go to guys. Again I’m sure the Bupenorphine is just a step down from those other ones to get me to the correct place I need to be! It’s also called Subutex
I cannot go up anymore than 1200 mgs. three times a day. It did not work until I took Cymbalta. I did nerve blocking, and it only lasted for a bit. I take the Tramadol with gaba, because it literally can make gaba work better. Do you have a physical therapist? I went from one year ago walking about 2 minutes only without pain to being able to walk at least 30 minutes without pain. Sending good thoughts.
This is always a great topic. I’m a former chemical dependency counselor and I about fainted when I had a young lady sent to me for services addicted to tramadol. It’s a great drug, works on a different receptor in the brain that treats pain but blocks the euphoric feeling. It’s a great pain killer! I never seen it as a substance for abuse because worst side affect for me is the cotton mouth. This poor lady I felt so bad for her. It is the great controversy. There were doctors back in 2005 that were labeling folks with dependence issues around tramadol. As a practitioner in the field, at that time I was just blown away. I will go back and read the article but my personal experience was morphine failed at working on my pain issues. Tramadol was hard on my organs, and I’m not sure what this Bupenorphine has in store for me. At the end of the day I wish they made a drug like humera or something that would help with the pain and treat the condition. I don’t like all the sedation affects anymore. Great topic!
I have tramadol and I only take it after I work, my pain flares up to a 10 and it brings it back down to manageable.. but otherwise I don't take it, for normal aches and pains..
Thank you for helping me understand. I am glad you are keeping up with your journey to heal. I never want to change them when they are wonderful. You are on a good path towards taking care of yourself.
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