Has Anyone Read Good Books That Help You Or Your Family Fully Understand Fibromyalgia And How To Cope? Not Too Long Or Outdated But A Good.
The FibroManual by Dr. Ginerva Liptan: it's a good read, written by an MD who has fibromyalgia.
For a quicker read: here's a MFT article that provides a general sort of overview. There are more articles that go into explaining a diagnosis and symptoms and so on.
Hello it seems we can research something different on fibromyalgia everyday. Not all doctors believe the same on it . This platform is very informative 👌 👏 👍.
Best wishes ❤️
@A MyFibroTeam Member I had another idea: there are animated videos that attempt to clearly explain what fibromyalgia is. Here's an example of one. I'm not sure it's what will work for you but perhaps if not there may be another one that does?
When I was diagnosed in the late nineties, I had never heard of fibromyalgia. My children got on the old desktop computer and researched. I also found informative studies, etc, online.
Thank you so very much!! This is great.
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