I’m Suffering So Badly From Fibro Fog. It’s Not At All Funny. I Can’t Remember My Meds, Food, Words Etc Anyone Else So Bad?
I get half way through sentences and then in the middle of a sentence I forget what I’m talking about. It’s really embarrassing words get mixed up and then I realize I’m not making any sense at all. I have some amazing friends who wait patiently for me to remember but many times I just have to give up
I’m so aggravated by it. I used to be academic now I can’t retain what I had for breakfast. I want so badly for it to go and be back to normal it makes me so sad. I’m sorry you’re going through the same it’s awful x
I do that alot and it's so frustrating.
I can retain information for about 7 seconds, but I can forget what I am thinking about while thinking about it. Put phone in fridge, rarely know why I enter a room.
Does Anyone Else Get Tongue Tied And Get Words Mixed Up?
Stress And Memory
Does Fibromyalgia Affect Your Memory?