This Is Not How I Want The Rest Of My Life To Be. I Have Problems With Mobility Due To Spine Issues, Plus Jaw Pan & Extreme Fatigue.
What do you do when little symptoms keep piling up? I have a therapist & psychiatrist. I am on Lyrica & anti-depressants. I am worn out from pain, other conditions, 4 spinal surgeries, cancer, fatigue. Last night I prayed God would just take me. I want to see my husband, son & dog again. I don't want to tell my new husband how bad I feel. I think the Kyrica is making me more depressed. I can no longer drive & going out exhausts me. This is not a life.
Rosemarie, I feel days like you have to. Lately with all the changes regarding increased demands of payments and not enough money, well I am getting stressed and when that happens you can well imagine that dark world enters and I am feeling like no one loves me, no husband, no job, and worse yet no future. I am disabled and as a result what has happened is people taking advantage of me and charging me more than I can afford, once they find out that I am. It is so disheartening and I am angry with the world for this. We just can not keep up with the status quo and this is what they do. Regardless of how I am feeling, I do hope you will find joy and loving care from someone who does. May the power of God and Jesus surround you and give you love and peace throughout the New Year too.
Yes Lyrica can add to depression. It didn't affect me this way, but others have said they could not take it. You tell the truth to the psychiatrist and work to get it Right. You pray for guidance and you take it one day at a time. Has anyone prescribed pain meds to take the edge off?
Please tell your doctor about the Lyrica. It doesnt work for alot of people. Keep us posted on how you are doing. We care!
Im so sorry for you both! Evelyn, give me another week and i will call you. I get out of breath from talking. I wish i had words of wisdom for you. I will keep you in my prayers.
Here it is the middle of night and I am in bad pain and Tylenol with codeine is not working and I am just crying with pain and feel like what am I living for as it is only existing. I am alone and another holiday coming up to be alone Christmas alone can't sleep so reading all the posts on how we have to learn the new normal for us. Thank all in support group for just that support. hugs Evelyn
How's Your Mobility?
Does Anyone Else Have Fatigue As Their Primary Symptom With Fibro?
Does Your Pain Worsen As You Get Older?