I Have Sciatic Pain Down Back Of Both Leg...what Would You Do? I've Tried Resting And Resting And Doing A Bit But Nothing Works...
There are exercises for this and they do help when standing put hands on hips and bend backwards takes pressure off your back if lying on couch put legs over end of couch takes pressure of back. I worked for a chiro so know some things that help. Good luck Evelyn
I have this constantly I walk as much as I can, also there is fibromyalgia yoga in you tube for back pain and leg pain. It is awful and constant with me so I do try and stretch and exercise someday it’s more of a limp.m ang very painful so I do rest up.
Google sciatica stretchers janet..they should help..
hi there are exercises that help with this type of pain even when you are just standing you bend backwards and hold. This is hard to explain maybe if you look up sciatic exercise on internet. when laying down on couch hang legs over the end so it takes the stress of your back. Good luck Evelyn
I have had Piriformis Syndrome for the last 8 months (likely due to a muscle knot sitting on the sciatic nerve, and massage and a heating pad works, as does walking and stretching. It is finally going away
Siatic Nerve
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