How To Explain Fibro Fog And The Difference Between The Normal Everyday Fog That Comes With Aging Or Menopause
I was working and I would do absolutely ridiculously unbelievable—I accidentally opened a co-workers pay check and another time I was given a report to type with figures on it and for some reason, I changed all the numbers. I didn’t know it at the time that it was Fibro Fog. I couldn’t believe I did something so stupid. Also, I usually did my own income tax return, but I no longer could do that, nothing made sense to me
Yes. I always use to pride myself on my memory. I was an industrial electrician & supervisor so I dealt with some seriously dangerous stuff but was ok even with the fibro. Haven't worked in years tho because it got too bad. I've found that stress makes the confusion a lot worse. I handle all our finances but I find myself going over numbers again & again to finally get it right.
Back in the day when I was working, in my 20s in the 1970s, i did a monthly spreadsheet with figures for the end of month, last month, same month last year, on & on. It was on a legal size paper, typed on an electric typewriter, using a calculator with the white tape. Each month I was accurate. Perfectly done. Until this one month, I did it over & over again. I couldnt get the same answers twice, it was maddening! It cut my ego big time! It didn't happen again until I was in my mid 30s at a different job. After that it was multiples after 45 and since. Now 72. I'm more accepting and don't touch the checkbook until my mind is clear!
I am now over 60 and notice one thing has changed that I forget the most obvious word during conversation to embarrass myself but it wasn’t this bad before I used to forget but it came back within seconds . I think this the difference of age. My memory is fading .
I can no longer do any kind of math have given up checking change in the stores just hope that the people at the tills are honest. Also can no longer read a map I just stare at it trying to make sense of it, someone told me that I should practice and it was so hard to explain how you can practice something that doesn’t make a bit of sense to you
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