How To Stop High Blood Pressure Caused By Pain?
I don't have high blood pressure normally, but when my painkillers don't help I can feel like I'm going to pass out and blood pressure feels high. I feel shaky and can't sleep. Has anyone got any ideas how to stop it?
High BP is an indicator of pain, but I've read that just having fibro can cause high BP as do many of the meds they give out....
My autonomic nervous system is out of wack! My BP is all over the place, I can't regulate my temperature, terrible sweating even if I'm cold. Lol I'm a mess . 😕
When I am in a lot of pain my blood pressure goes up automaticly
This happens to me a lot
Pain From Blood Pressure Cuff
I Suffer With Extreme Tenderness And Can't Stand To Have My Blood Pressure Taken As Its Too Painful.
I Have Recently Developed An Irregular Heartbeat, Specifically Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC's).