Just Wondering If Anybody's Had A Cervical Fusion, Single Level Or Multilevel And Been Happy With It?
I haven't found the right pain specialist yet to get a radio frequency ablation to try to avert having a fusion (long story) but I have needed Fusion for many years now but I keep hearing that people have to keep going back and getting another Fusion a year or so later because once you get one Fusion , it weakens adjacent areas. Also, for those that don't get a fusion even though they need one, what helps you with this horrible pain which for many also extends into the shoulder and the arm and… read more
Interesting. Thank you Ann. Was this your entire spine or just cervical? It's nice that he was honest with you and didn't put you through all that.❤️
Oh Shots, I wish I had an answer you!!!Your hip must be miserable, and there is just no way to be comfortable with that!!! I sent you hugs, good thoughts, and prayers!! It's great all your vital are so good!!! Accidents got me too!!!!!😁
Old Sue
I had c5-7 in 2014, I haven’t felt any pain since then. Healing takes time I do have full range of motion but I do have some weakness in my arms over time my arms have gotten stronger with the help of physical therapy.
Okay lot's to unbundle. Yes it limits a lot at first bc your healing and movement hurts. Second I used my own bone from hip to fuse, as I didn't want cadaver. So my hip got to hurt too.joy! Took six weeks to get over that. Stairs were a challenge. Neck didn't take that long. I was told to not hang my head backwards, as in when you get a shampoo at the haircut place. So I just wash before I go. That was it. I was in an accident one yr after the surgery. Went to surgeon to see if it damaged my neck. He told me he could tell I had been in an accident, but that the fusion was fine. I would think that stretching would be limited at first around the neck, but I think you could do more as healing progresses. I can't stress enough to find a Dr that has a good reputation for this surgery. Take your questions in with you and don't leave till they are answered. Surgeons can be blunt but the good ones will answer and show you why it's needed on the MRI. In my case, an assistant surgeon helped bc they needed to make an incision in my hip to get the bone and in the neck to fuse. I'm glad I did get it done bc the pain was so bad that he said he might have to put me in the hospital on a morphine drip until my surgery could be done. He had a waiting list. Afterwards the pain disappeared. The incision hurt but not like the previous pain and eventually went away. Some decrease in motion is worth the pain decrease. I didn't develop fibromyalgia until I had been in two car accidents and had three surgeries, so only God knows what caused mine. It's not important anyway. I have it and I must deal with it. Medicine changes all the time and there may be more DMG, but the fix may be better than it was when I had it done. I would think that having been a person who stretches religiously would be a better candidate. Limited movement might be just until you heal. I hope this helps you. Feel free to ask more if you need to know anything more.
I I had a cervical spinal fusion C4 -C5, also had a still have some spurs. I have many issues with my whole spine. I broke my neck x2. Any way my Dr was dr. Geiger, he was excellent. He is the dr that other drs go to. I still have pain but not as bad everyday as it was. He operated on me in chelsea, michigan. His office in in Ypsilanti, michigan
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After A Radio Frequency Ablation For The Low Back Or Cervical Area, What Did Your Doctor Prescribe So You Could Tolerate The Pain Better?