Weird One
Here's a weird one for ya all a random sharp scratch feeling at side of throat when swallow . No I haven't got a sore throat. The only way to stop my self thinking about it was to eat and drink a fizzy drink 😲😂
Why do I have a weird scratch in the back of my throat?
If your itchy throat is not accompanied by a cough, it may be due to strep throat, laryngitis, dehydration, or (rarely) throat cancer. If you have a cough, you could have a tickle in your throat due to acid reflux, ACE inhibitors, infection, allergies, COVID-19, asthma, or irritants in the environment.30 Nov 2023 › ti...
Tickle in the Throat: Causes of
Drink more water xxx
Quite often I have a bit of a cough and am thirsty a lot.
Hi no it was just a random fibro symptom I'm not infected with anything 😁
What Symptoms Do You Experience That Are Fibro Related?
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