I Sweat When I’m Having A Flare And Lost 23 Lbs In A Month My Flare Was Burning Pain Lasted For 10 Days I Actually Wished I Could Die
I’m on antidepressants but does anyone ever feel like giving up?
all the feels. yes i constantly feel like giving up, but somehow, i don't. It is an uphill battle every day and most days i don't wanna do it. I get so sweaty from anxiety. It is gross and with this heat in Canada, it is torture in the mornings. I am so sorry you are feeling down. We are here for you. I get it, some days i feel like my meds have done nothing for me.
When I first started my flare in 2020 and 2023 I’d wake up drenched in sweat like I just got out of the shower , I’d have to change my clothes and my bedding that’s how bad I was sweating. But now I just get hot flashes and cold very easily. Yes I was up still and night burning ankles knees legs on fire 🔥, I feel like giving up but there just no way out have to keep fighting and keep treating , nothing has helped me yet but I’m trying . Bless you 💜
Fibro Flare
Chest And Armpit Pain
Has Anyone Seen A Change In Their Symptoms After Changing Their Diet?