Hi Guys, Can You Please Give Me Some Advice On Buying A Mattress?
In the past I’ve chosen incorrectly which has been detrimental to my health.
I’m sure you can all agree of the importance of a bed to those who have our condition.
Online I’m being led to buy a ‘firm’ mattress when my heart tells me I need ‘soft’
I don’t have money to make another mistake. Infact I have applied for a loan to pay for this one.
Please help if you can,
Oby, I'm having the same dilemma. I was lifted the perfect mattress over ten years ago. Unfortunately, a family member came to visit and when they left they left me many "friends" that attacked me while I slept. So I had to get rid of miracle working mattress. And yes, it was an older mattress not one of these new ones.
Since my pain is always on a 100, when I did lay down on a new mattress I would dream that I was in a zero gravity room and I was able to simple suspended in air with nothing touching my pain filled body.
So, I totally agree with everyone who suggested you go into the store and try different mattresses. I'm now thinking it might be best for me to go mattress shopping while I'm in pain so I can see how it feels during those times of high pain levels.
Myself I use nothing but memory foam mattresses along with a memeory foam gel infused mattress topper I think I ordered all 3 from Amazon
Thank you Tasha 🙏🏼 yes I’ll go into the store and try and sneak a nap 😂
I appreciate you taking time to answer me 💕
I can only sleep on soft and memory foam, sorry I can't help with brands as mine is so old .I can't use all the orthopedic stuff they promote either.I would defo go and try them in person,hope you find the right one 🙏
This Boy Is My World 💖
What Kind Of Mattress Has Helped You With Your Fibromyalgia?
Has Anyone Found That A Mattress Topper Has Helped Their Pain So In The Morning The Stiffness Etc. Isn't As Bad