I’m Having Mattress Issues With My Temper Pedic…what Mattress Do You Recommend. Mine Gets Really Hot And Is Supposed To Be Cool.
Tempur mattresses are notoriously hot ! We had one and had to get rid of it as just got unbearably hot!! Bought a Hypnose mattress which we find much more comfortable and we don’t overheat!
Ah Sue…I’m laughing as I also sleep with the head of the bed up! Interesting that there is something called a cooling topper. With out it, does your bed get hot like mine? I wonder, is it us or the bed.. I think after I get everyone’s input, I’ll go down to the store and see what I/they can do. Hope you sleep tonight ❤️
I had a temper Pedic mattress at one time. My husband didn't like it and I can't honestly recommend the one we have. I wake up with a lot of back pain. Maybe you should call Temper Pedic and tell them your mattress isn't being cool like they advertised and see if they can do something about it. Maybe send you a new one?
I'm one that pulls the covers up and down too! I've just gotten use to it after several years. Fibro forces you to adapt and adjust to so many things that it becomes second nature. Hang in there. Sending you a warm and cooling hug.
Hi Kathy!! Sometimes I am too hot and sometimes I am too cold??????? I also sleep with the head of the bed up for my GERD!!!!!!!!!!!!! It works!!!!!
Old Sue
Mattress Topper
Can Anyone Recommend A Tempur-pedic Mattress For Fibromyalgia.
Best Mattress?