Is Anyone Else In Bed Or On Couch Most Of There Time
I have this crap severely all though out my entire body literally
Lounge, bed then at 3 or 4am lounge again.
I am busy in the morning. Mid afternoon I am in bed. After dinner, I am in bed. I'm not sleeping but I am just resting, reading, or watching tv. If I have something to do, I am fine, but, if not, I rest.
I live in my bed unless I have a dr appointment and they do nothing for me
I am in bed or down most of the time. I try to live a normal life with my friends but they don’t invite me a lot because I’m “unreliable.” My illness has stripped me of most of my joy in life, but I still try everyday. I’m still trying…
Yes me Trevor iv lived in my bed since b4 my husband died
I Have Restless Leg Syndrome With My Fibromyalgia And Now I Have Restless Arm Syndrome!! I Use Voltaren And Flexeril. Anyone Else Have Any
Does Anyone Else Have To Stay Seated In A Chair Or Lay In A Bed Or On A Couch A Majority Of There Time ?
Anyone Else Bed Bound Most Of There Time ?