Has Anyone Got Gel Injections For Knee Pain And If So Did They Help?
Yes I have last fall and beginning of of the year because the pain was getting unbearable! I had tried the Durolane, Gelsyn-3 & a steroid shot but none of them really helped!! They are suppose to last up to 6 months! If I got a week of relief I was lucky!! The steroid shot did last a month but not by much!! They did x-rays on both knees but they didn't show any signs of osteoarthritis so idk why they gave me the shot. I went with it because i wanted some relief and hoped it would help, also they may have done it because of the crackling you hear when I bend my right knee (it doesn't hurt, just sounds weird, LOL) I hope it works for you!! Good luck!
Thanks for your reply.
Pain Injection For Lower Back Pain
Knee Pain
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