This Is My Bladder Issues 👍I Just Gotta Go When Need To
Urinary incontinence
Fibromyalgia can cause urge incontinence, which is the most common type of incontinence in people with fibromyalgia. This is because fibromyalgia affects the nerves that regulate the bladder, and chronic pain can trigger these nerves.
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Hi Lucy. Yes especially through night for me..minute I realise I need go I have to start trying to get myself out of bed, and because rushing isn't going to happen because of pain and balance issues..I can't hold it so time to get myself loo is always a big deal. I'm same if I need go anywhere..I plan my journey by toilet stops..its a pain isn't it..carole XX
Thank the Lord for who ever invented Poise pad and pull ups for adults.
Yes Carole me and you seem to be very alike take care 🤗❤️xx
Yes lucy10..we are very alike..hope your day as been nice Lucy. Xx
Absolutely karenpayton..worth every penny...oh spend a penny! 🤭 I can't laugh it god bless you. Carole..
Anyone Know If Frequent Urination Goes Along With Fibro?
Does Your Feet Hurt During The Day, Irrespective Of Wearing Shoes Or No Shoes.