Been A Walk
Had chest flare while I was walking in my upper back and chest area left and right Sharp burnt achy breathing okay just chest got a bit tight . Not sure whether it was the smell where I was walking or I'm just struggling to walk now I had to hold my coat to balance anyone else get this
Sometimes, just go for a shorter walk.
God bless!
On the odd occasion my chest will seize up but I’m already in a pretty active flare up when it happens. Feels like my rib cage is being squeezed and cramping, sometimes I get a cramp just under the ribs on my stomach muscle so strong you can see it through my skin. That cramp I have to curl into it to go away and can’t move until dealt with.
No…I agree with Irishwife, maybe don’t do so much.
Burning Face
Hi All Does Anyone Else Suffer From Severe Headaches And Has Anyone Any Knowledge Of Daith Piercing And Whether Or Not It Works Thanks All
Can Anybody Recommend A Rheumatologist In The South Florida Area That Treats Fibro?