Does Anyone Else Have This Trouble With Exhaustion?
I think you make a good point there Jannette. I have often wondered if people refuse to knowledge how I’ll we are because they fear losing our support.
Yes...most of time..if I don't start off exhausted when I get out of bed 8am I'm usually feeling exhausted by 10am just from having shower..washing breakfast pots..don't have to do much before exhausted. Sending best wishes Carole
Ok, 4 or 5 posts almost in a row asking about exhaustion/fatigue/ narcolepsy
I hope you get some good rest!
Yes I do chronic fatigue syndrome
Family don't really get it because I have always overdone things. My opinion on my family - they are scared to really acknowledge how bad it is because i always do everything for everybody even if i have to drag myself. Maybe i don't want to admit that i'm not that capable anymore. Stupid - i know but that's me
Is Anyone Else Here Struggling Due To Covid 19 Not Being Able To Have Holistic Treatments And Physio?