Anybody Have Excessive Daytime Sleepiness/ Narcolepsy?
What do you do to manage this?
You are coming off a lot of prescription medications
I hope you're tapering. Most of those should be slowly stepped down.
Also,some supplements do block and or help script drugs.
Oh sorry for drugs, Adderal 10mg salts xr and the 5mg in the afternoon, for adhd bonus helps with fibro, Unless I am just truly in need of sleep. I am currently tapering off Belbuca for pain bc we wanna have another kid. Zoloft for anxiety/depression. which helps except low d issues, so taking a D always.. who knowa if it helps.. Tizanidine muscle relaxer, Careful about taking this with certain meds tho. I take spironolactone too but for my acne and that helps me not get infections so often from my severeee cystic acne. also sleep training, waking with sunrise is actually helping so long as I give myself consistent 9 hours a night i think
Drugs lol Rest. yoga and make yourself move about if your tired despite not doing anything the previous day/week. Go to bed and wake up the same time everyday as best as possible, will prob take a while to get down-if able. Worth a try. Also Supplements and diet. you gotta know what supplements are worth the money. What will actually translate to fuel for your body.
I can relate to this too Lynnecarol, I live in a retirement scheme and just lately crippling symptoms keep me home alone most of time..get bad fatigue and by afternoons I'm struggling stay awake. Best wishes Carole
This is 2 back to back posts about narcolepsy with fibro diagnosis. Weird.
Chronic fatigue syndrome often gets diagnosed and/or diagnosed instead of Fibro
Also fighting pain, of any sort, but especially amount we do is tiring and full time job all its own.
Anyone Get Really Tired
Does Anyone Have Narcolepsy?
Hello Everyone, Has Anyone Found Anything That Might Help With Fatigue?