Are 3 Wheel Mobility Walkers Good? Thinking Of Hospital Appointments Rather Than Hanging On To Cane And Furnishings And Walls !
Hi Margaret. I can't agree more! Was end July back went then spasm hardly been out unable to hardly move in 4months! It starts to feel little better then sharp pain again lower back and pelvic bone area and between shoulder blades both agony! Not doing fibro any good with lack hardly been on scooter which I bought in May but throughly love it till back went. Its the drivedebliss Envoy 8 (8mph and 30mile range) I got the disability vat exempt so paid just under £2.000 by time I'd bought hi viz jacket and wet weather cover and control panel cover for wet days and was well over £2.000 its kept in a scooter store area indoors where I live so still charge it for a day even though can't ride yet..its been depressing going on so long. Yeah its 2 discs that causing issues and osteoarthritis in spine so just got to wait for musculoskeletal see me..been told its long wait possibly earliest February. So just having to cope..bought a 4 wheel walker it comes today..try do bit walking around corridors here where I live. My doctor said my discs could go back on there own just take my time..can't do much else. Hope your not so bad and had good thanks giving. You take care and God be with you. Xxx
My scooter looks like this one.
I've heard that the three-wheel ones can turn over. But the four-wheel ones are more stable. I've been thinking about getting one because I have difficulty getting to the bus stop and I could use it as a car. I hesitate though because of the cost. If you can afford it I say go ahead and get it.
My wife needs one but is too proud, how silly. Take care you lovely ladies.
Hi yes I've purchased an aluminium one last week..Its really nice..and safer than cane..I'm same can't stand for long..
I love my new scooter.... can't manage upright for long...
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