How's Your Mobility?
Even small movements are hard for me, and they make me extremily exhausted. Could I have another disease further fibro? How is it for you?
I can walk slowly for about an hour. Maybe you should get checked out for chronic fatigue?
llI am sorry your Christmas day ended not so good, Loved my husband but don't miss the grumpy it is lonely sometimes as mobility is not so good, Christmas day my friend who is 89 invited me for dinner, She is alone as well decided it was kind of dicey going to take a taxi, Had to wave driver to come up to door and he was grumpy he opened back door and I asked there is less snow by front door could I SIT IN THE FRONT? He said no slammed back door shut spun out of parking lot and left me standing there, Can you believe it just happened a fellow from my building was bringing his dog back from walk so he took dog in and came back for me and said did he just drive off? Yep he gave me a lift to my friends and wouldn't take money he said it is Christmas Evelyn GOOD THING THERE ARE SOME NICE PEOPLE LEFT HUGS EVELYN
These things need investigating. Personally I think it is foolish to assume all things are fibro. My knees, hips and back are constantly painful. But I am still mobile albeit very slowly. I can be quite active at times, but then often need to rest for a day or more. Having read many stories posted recently, I have decided I am quite fortunate, with many people house bound, or reliant on wheelchairs etc. My knees occasionally give way but I am able to prevent myself falling. I’m sorry your so incapacitated at such a young age. Take care Blue
Mobility? I’m mobile but I wobble all over the place and usually use a cane. It takes lots of energy to walk., but now that I have Ellen, I just do it! Haven’t had any flares yet from going too far, fingers crossed! Does it hurt to walk? Yup. But there are other body issues that require it.
Waking puts me in cripling pain & fighting to breath it totaly leaves me exhausted, , both my feet are totaly worn out and no good to me,I wear hospital shoes, my lower back, hips,& knees pain is server, I hate going out, my knees go on me a lot so does my lower back ,& hips, iv got 2 walking sticks & a waker on wheels both cripple me when I try to walkl out side, iv been house bound for yrs since b4 my husband died, he looked after me, now am bed bound due to the severity off my pain, I miss the out side world 🌎 Iv also got Inflamatry bowel disease Ostioaritus, u think i.may have stuff wrong with me but can't remember. But as long as I stay In the house I'm happy, I have dla aids i. & around the house. When I was well used to go 2 judo twice a week swim twice a week & ride my bike every single day, I loved my bike I felt so free riding it in the countryside, I miss my old life but am happy
Thinking Of Buying Powerchair So I Can Have Freedom Out Of Village Via The Transport That Take Powerchair..anyone Else Use Powerchair?
So I Had Two Walks Yesterday Daytime And Evening With Our Dogs But I Think I Caused A Flare
For Those That Have Used Mobility Aids, Did You Ever Get To A Point Where You Didn't Need It Anymore?