How Do You Sleep At Night While In PAIN With Every Movement?
Sleeping pill, pain pill, and 400 mcg. Of Magnesium
I use a contoured, memory foam knee pillow between my knees to ease pain in my hips. I invested money in a really good adjustable mattress so that I can lift the bottom of the mattress at night- this relieves pressure on my lower back. I find that most nights I can only sleep on my back with my arm straight down (or else I get numbness and tingling in my arms). I have an extra long heating pad with automatic shut off I use on my back for bad pain days. The night sweats are also very bad for me so I have layers- a flat sheet, a light comforter, a light blanket on top of that. That way I can pull off layers as needed. I sleep in light clothing because I sweat so badly. I am currently taking a course in herbalism to learn more herbal remedies I can use for pain management and just to improve my overall quality of life.
I recognize that what works for one does not work for all and that not everyone is in the position to buy special mattresses. pillows, sheets, etc. But it's good to share with one another the things that do work so that together we can essentially form a toolbox of strategies we can each try when we can.
Stretching gently before bed, soaking a tub with epsom salt before bed, and engaging in a calming quiet activity like meditation or reading, journaling drawing, can also be helpful.
When you do try new things, it's helpful to keep a record, a journal where you write what you tried and what the results were. I'd also try something for a few days before completely giving up on it. Sometimes it takes a minute for things to really work.
I wish you the best and hope that you are able to find some relief. Not being able to get good sleep at night can wreak havoc on your waking hours. Sending healing energy your way.
I read. My Kindle has been one of the best things ever.
Heating pad, roll on lidocaine, everything soft as can be
When I'm like this I just lay on my bad staring at the celling. When in so much pain I can't read, watch anime or movies, play with my furry babies, nothing! And not pain killer is strong enough for when I'm like this. I'm sorry.
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