I Take Paxil And It Helps. Does Anyone Else Take Paxil?
I have the dizziness, and fatigue a lot depending on weather. Does anyone have the inching on the head ?
Paxil. I've Been Taking Paxil For Over 20 Years. What Are The Long Term Side Effects?
No. I have major depression with anxiety. Works pretty well for that.
What Meds Do You Take?
What is the most important med you feel you take?
Prazosin for PTSD and nightmares
I have been taking paxil When i got the diagnosis ADHD (and for the adhd methylphenidate) let’s say 7 years now. My new physician said I should stop taking them, because the long term effects. I was of the Paxil for very short time.... the pain was excruciating. I started again and the pain was gone... Paxil makes serotonin which is very important for sleep, happiness, overall feeling good. They also call it the happy hormone. Just a few weeks ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I told her I… read more
Were You Given Tests Prior To Diagnosis?
I was told 2 days ago that I have Fibro by a rhumatologist. My issue is that they looked a questionaire I filled in and went off of that. I walked into the room and was told "ypu fit the classic profile of someome with fibromyalgia, we're not going to do any bloods/scans/xrays because they would just come back normal." My issue with this is, what if its one of the many other conditions that have similar symptoms? I've had no tests done by my GP prior to this either. Has anyone else had this… read more
That's the way it was for me. The rheumatologist literally looked at all the tests that 4 or 5 specialists had all done, announced that I had fibromyalgia and then informed me that he doesn't treat… read more
What Antidepressant Has Helped Your Mood The Most, Over The Years?
Curious if there is an antidepressant that helps people the most with their moods?
I Am Taking Paxil For Emotional Swings, My Doctor Thinks I Should Switch To Cymbalta.
I am not sure that paxil is helping me as I do have emotional down days -- it seems that my physical pain and my emotional pain go together.
Cymbalta has been suggested to me but I hesitate to switch and I am wondering how others have tolerated cymbalta and how you were afftected by side effects. Thanks in advance, June
I am having terrible sweats! Nausea nightmares & diohoerra x
Lyrica And Tramadol
Has Anyone Tried Venlafaxine As Maintenance For FM?
Other meds are no longer working for me and bow trying other things that might help. I took one Venlafaxine 75 mg yesterday but started having chills. Although this morning I feel that the pain and fatigue is much less. Not sure if I should keep going