If you’re experiencing frequent itching with fibromyalgia, you’re not alone. MyFibroTeam members with “fibro itch” report intense and painful itching that can pop up suddenly, anywhere on the body. They describe the sensation as a “creepy-crawly,” “prickly or mosquito bite feeling,” “like tiny ants crawling over you.”
Some members experience itch with numbness. “I’ve been quite itchy on my left side torso around to my tummy. That same area is numbish,” shared one member. “Odd that there can be reduced feeling but still feel itchy.”
Another with “reduced feeling and itching” in her thumbs said, “Not a single medical professional has identified it, but I strongly suspect it's peripheral neuropathy and a precursor to worsening symptoms.” Others agree that itching often precedes a fibromyalgia flare. “Today I noticed that the area is becoming painful, too. I sense another fibro symptom has been added to the list,” posted one member.
Constant scratching has lead to skin damage for many MyFibroTeam members. “My right palm is so itchy I could scratch a hole in it some days,” said one. “Both of my hands, on top and between my three middle fingers, itch so badly, I scratch them raw,” shared another.
Members also report painful and uncomfortable itching on their scalps. “It feels like my hair is like a sharp object! I’ve tried so many different types of shampoos without relief!” lamented one woman.
Members of MyFibroTeam use various prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as home remedies, to stop the itch.
“Outside of showering, calamine lotion helps me, as does pure aloe vera, and if it's extremely bad, then taking an oral one-day dose of an over-the-counter antihistamine,” shared one member. Another said: “I believe my itching was a nerve response. Since I've been on Neurontin (Gabapentin), it has been much, much better.”
Others swear by hot showers and oat baths for calming the itch: “They do wonders!” reported one member. Another said running hot water over his hands, provided “instant relief.” Still others find comfort icing itchy areas and moisturizing. One member even tried rubbing olive oil on itchy patches. “It's the first relief I've had,” she said.
Avoiding inflammatory foods, such as gluten, caffeine, and alcohol, perfumed soaps and shampoos, as well as stress via mediation and yoga, has helped several members relieve the itch. Some MyFibroTeam members also suggest cutting nails short or wearing gloves to minimize skin damage from “night scratching.”
If you’re experiencing sudden and constant itching, check with your doctor. The symptoms may be an allergic reaction or related to medications used to treat fibromyalgia.
On MyFibroTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with depression, members talk about a range of personal experiences including itching and fibromyalgia.
Here are some questions-and-answers about itching and fibromyalgia:
Here is a conversation about about itching and fibromyalgia:
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Does Anyone Have Swollen Cheeks? It Hurts When I Eat, Chew, And Talk. I Think It’s From Fibromyalgia But Not Sure.
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A MyFibroTeam Member
I never really spoke of this but yes I do get itching sometimes I even make it bleed. I never associated it with Fibro at all......I'm learning something everytime I read the comments. It's so… read more
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