Has Anyone Successfully Balanced Fibro Symptoms If You Also Have Empath Traits?
Realize now that I have almost all the traits of an Empath. Anyone else? How did you balance out your sensory input? I don't know how to build those boundaries.
Oh wow, you sound like me. Lol. I just realized that about Myself as well. Yes, itoo am an empath. And have been practicing surrounding myself inside a bubble that is protected and not allowing others negative pain through. I believe there is a connection that makes it worse.interesting perspective.
@A MyFibroTeam Member You can look up information on your root Chakras. That is the first step to be well rooted and feel balanced so as not to allow the feelibgs and emotions of others to come into our field. That had helped me alot. And honesty just being consciously aware when you are hearing someone talk about their pain, as to listen, but do not obsorb the pain they are feeling. It is an ongoing process for me as well.
I'm sure that since you have limited exposures to people, the pain is steaming from the chronic fatigue and fibro more than empath. But reading your family members recent health issues may have contributed as well. My Dr. Told me to justa very have a few friends, the good friends who have our best interest at heart are far better than several friends who do not, and he said more friends means more trouble. Lol. I laughed, but can be very true. My husband is my biggest supoorter and my daughter. I lost my mother in 2011, who was my very best friend. Had a few really bad years when she passed. Didn't know who i was anymore without her. But finely overcame that to a degree. Still wish i could talk to her like we did almost every day.
Thank you so much for the speedy reply. I'll get back to you.
@A MyFibroTeam Member here is the link to one article I read that initially got me thinking. http://themindunleashed.org/2013/10/30-traits-o... I then did more research and got a coulple books and realize I have had all or most of these traits since childhood. Long, long before fibro was in the picture. But, now fibro has them feeling like on overdrive. Its very interesting. And, I have sort of always wondered why, and this kind of explains why. It sounds like from your comment you might be one too.
Anyone Have Any Thoughts Regarding Empaths & Fibromyalgia?
Daith Peircing Help With Fibromyalgia
Difference Of People