I'm Having Horrible Neck Pain With Severe Limited Range Of Motion. Any Suggestions For Relief?
I began getting a sore neck about three weeks ago it has since become unbearable. I'm not currently on any fibro meds and am really struggling with this. The pain is now causing headaches and anxiety issues. It feels as though my neck is swollen. I have been under a ton of stress so I'm not surprised I'm flaring! It's difficult to turn my head! Has anyone else ever experienced this and what did you do to ease the symptoms?
I experienced exactly the same about two months ago. I went to the chiropractor twice, the physio a couple of times. Took hot baths and used a not beanie on my neck. Not sure which one worked but eventually eased up. I feel your pain, it is terrible. Sending hugs
I get regular deep tissue massages and shiatsu massages. I also see a chiropractor that does network spinal analysis. I have been seeing the chiropractor since before my diagnoses but it has always helped me. I hope you feel better.
I know exactly how you feel. Two months ago I woke up and could not move my neck. I went to physical therapy, which has not helped much. When I do my exercises, I ice my neck for 20 minutes. That helps a little. I have also tried using a heated bean bag and that helps some. My doctor thinks that it is arthritis, but I don't understand why it would start so suddenly. Going to my Rhematologist in two days, maybe she can shed some light. My neck also started to pop whenever I move it any direction all the time. No one seems to be able to explain this either. Stress about it is making it worse.
Thanks. I think I just get anxious when things flare up and it's nice to hear from others that what I'm experiencing is "normal" fibro stuff. Sometimes getting rid of the anxiety helps alleviate some of the pain.
I'm not on any meds at all right now. I have had an MRI of my cervical spine and I know I have herniatians as well as spinal stenosis. This feels much more muscular to me but just will not let go.
Just Wondering If Anybody's Had A Cervical Fusion, Single Level Or Multilevel And Been Happy With It?
Help? (neck/shoulder Issue)