Need Help With Skin Crawling Sensation
I was awakened this morning by a crawling sensation all over my body. I have this sensation often, just not as severe as today. Does anyone have this also & what helps you deal with it besides meds?
You're not alone & you're not crazy. 😀 I think we all feel that way at times with Fibromyalgia. @A MyFibroTeam Member
I have been on [[treatment:cymbalta:54c86b8c860875808e[[phone:000492]] 120:]] for years without this problem.
I do not think it is a skin issue. I think it is more neurological. I have soaked in Epsom salts baths, used Lavender, and smeared my entire body with multiple different kinds of lotions and oils. ie: oatmeal, organic, coconut oil, baby oil...etc. Nothing works. It is either a side effect of the Cymbalta or it is from what ever nerve problem is causing the pain in my body. Maybe it is all connected? Who knows? One thing is for sure. I HATE it when the itching is on my head because I feel like everyone is looking at me and thinking she has head lice. I do not have head lice. I have had my daughter check!
I have also heard that kidney failure causes body itching too... I am sure my kidneys are fine. So if one problem can have a symptom of "itching" I am sure other problems can too.
Scratchy in Topeka
I suffer with this and I find it varies day to day, a warm shower can help.
I have that, too. I'm always looking to smack a bug off me that isn't there. Creep crawling feeling can go creep itself somewhere else. I don't like it. I have no remedies for it to share. Sorry!
Bugs... Lol...
Nerve Pain
Does Your Feet Hurt During The Day, Irrespective Of Wearing Shoes Or No Shoes.