Does Anyone Else Have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity? How Do You Deal With It?
I have MCS bad -- a whiff of a chemical (perfume, paint, tar, smoke, etc.) hits me in the bronchial tubes and I cough and get tight in the chest. Same goes for getting headaches. Several doctors say there is no medicine that will help these triggers -- Only AVOIDANCE. I hate having to live my life this way, but better than feeling bad.
I can smell mold and mildew a mile away. Can only handle certain perfumes, hair products ect....Yup, it's been a issue for a long time. Long before I knew I had fibro. I avoid department stores, cleaning isles of food stores ect....
Strong scents give me migraines, certain detergents and creams give me rashes, I love chocolate but can't have it as with caffeine they cause inflammation and my pain gets worse.Also allergic to latex, i could go on but I think you get the picture.
I'm having trouble with so many chemicals and fragrances that I have a hard time leaving the house or seeing people
Has anyone heard if dynamic neural retraining works for MCS? It's supposed to reset the limbic system
Do Many Of You Suffer, As I Do, From An Extreme Sensitivity To Odors, Caused By Fibromyalgia?
Does Anyone Else Out There Have Severe Mastocytosis Or Severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity?
Has Anyone Heard If Electrical Towers Making You Sick?