Yes. Helps a lot.
I have a wonderful doctor. I read an article tonight that I'm planning to share with her when I ask about an ADD medicine to help with the chronic fatigue from my fibro. Interesting study...
Psychopharmacol Bull. (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators).
Fibromylagia, chronic fatigue, and adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the adult: a case study.
Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may share common features with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). In an outpatient psychiatric clinic, a number of adult patients who presented primarily with symptoms of ADHD, predominately inattentive type, also reported unexplained fatigue, widespread musculoskeletal pain or a pre-existing diagnosis of CFS or FMS. As expected, ADHD pharmacotherapy usually attenuated the core ADHD symptoms of inattention, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Less expected was the observation that some patients also reported amelioration of pain and fatigue symptoms. The utility of ADHD medications in FMS and CFS states may be their innate arousal and enhanced filtering properties. This model supposes that FMS and CFS are central processing problems rather than peripheral disorders of muscles and joints.
And that's what you use when you forget?
Try methylfolate and methylcobalamin (B12). If I forget my medicine, I become extremely fatigued.
No medication I take helps with my chronic fatigue at all. I was prescribed Adderall off and on from a young age for adhd. It's like a job trying to get back on it as an adult. But I've noticed that when I'm taking it the fatigue... stops. I'm pretty sure there's no way in hell a doc will prescribe such meds for fatigue. And in all honesty, I'm afraid to ask. Even though my doc is hands down the best I've had, it's a risky topic.
Does Anyone Else Have Fatigue As Their Primary Symptom With Fibro?
Does Anyone Else Struggle With Fatigue Really Bad?
Is Anyone Dealing With Extreme Fatigue? Mine Has Increasingly Gotten Worse. I Can't Sit Down Without Falling Asleep.